write an application to your principal requesting him to grant leave for one week as you are suffering from flu

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नमस्कार दोस्तों आज के इस आर्टिकल में आपका स्वागत है। इस पोस्ट में बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 11 के English subject के सितंबर 2024 के मंथली एग्जाम में पूछा गया अति महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न “write an application to your principal requesting him to grant leave for one week as you are suffering from flu”का उत्तर दिया गया है। इस पोस्ट में इस प्रश्न के तीन से चार उतर दिए गए हैं। और तीनों उत्तर बिल्कुल सही है। आप इन तीनों उत्तरों में से किसी भी उत्तर को अपने एग्जाम में लिख सकते हैं।

write an application to your principal requesting him to grant leave for one week as you are suffering from flu

Q: write an application to your principal requesting him to grant leave for one week as you are suffering from flu

Answer – Respected Sir,

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently suffering from flu symptoms and am under medical advice to take rest for the next week. As I prioritize my health to ensure a quick recovery, I kindly ask for your permission to be excused from school for the next seven days. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

2nd Answer 

Honourable Principal,

I regret to inform you that I am down with the flu and require time to recover fully. It is advised that I rest for at least seven days to avoid spreading the illness. I would be grateful if you could grant me leave from [start date] to [end date] so that I may recuperate properly and return to school soon.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

3rd Answer

Dear Principal,

I hope you are doing well. Unfortunately, I have contracted the flu, and my health condition has worsened. After consulting with my doctor, I have been advised to take a break from school to recover. Kindly allow me one week of leave, starting today, so that I can focus on getting better and return to my studies fully restored.


[Your Name]

4th Answer

Respected Sir,

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently suffering from flu symptoms and am under medical advice to take rest for the next week. As I prioritize my health to ensure a quick recovery, I kindly ask for your permission to be excused from school for the next seven days. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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